Monday, August 27, 2018

The Product Rather of Failed Relationships: Wish to Die Already or Suicide and Sexual Addiction

It was her absence due to our grave incompatibility that made me sank again into sexual addiction.

I wished always to die already and do not find life worth living anymore. But I am not suicidal of course. Others though take their life because of this intense loneliness they don't want to feel anymore.

Moving on is very easy to tell and enumerate its how to steps. My actual detachment with my failed future wife was made very difficult since I was fantasizing her and masturbating with her imagined presence and future life. So my advice to befriend without any kind of sex outside marriage your future wife, and put on your full hope only when you're already married.

It is better not to marry if you can control yourself, the other Pauline concessional advice. (see 1 Cor. 7:1-16)

How do I know if I can control myself? My being a former repentant and still struggling sexual addiction tells that I cannot. But do I have to marry?
If anyone is worried that he might not be acting honorably toward the virgin he is engaged to, and if his passions are too strong[b] and he feels he ought to marry, he should do as he wants. He is not sinning. They should get married. 37 But the man who has settled the matter in his own mind, who is under no compulsion but has control over his own will, and who has made up his mind not to marry the virgin—this man also does the right thing. 38 So then, he who marries the virgin does right, but he who does not marry her does better. 1 Cor. 7:36-38
So now you know the answer. And detachment, even to us former repentant sexual addicts who is on the state of life we call temporary singlehood, is very badly needed to be able to combat sexual addiction and live the grace of chastity. I have decided to control myself due to grave incompatibilities that me and my girlfriend have and the circumstances laid by St. Paul above seems not to be present also.

Remaining chaste is the answer even in your loneliness, and for this to become bearable, any kind of sexual acting out outside marriage is to be stopped. I have discussed this in my book what to do to remain chaste in your singlehood. Pray that God might enter you already into marriage, but do not worry nor fret about God acting too slowly. God's time will come. Rather persevere in praying and it will be given thee.

St. Monica, St. Augustine, pray for us single repentant sexual addicts!

Process your brokenheartedness rather than cope by giving in again to sexual addiction.

Friday, August 24, 2018

A Reminder to the LGBT Communities And To Those Fighting For Their Equal Rights

See reference: Is there a hormonal basis for human homosexuality?

"Homosexuals are born from normal pregnancies and do normally not suffer from sexual differentiation disorders. That being so, they miraculously develop a same-sex orientation."

My older cousin told me not to go with the effeminate since it will make me effeminate. That was a very timely reminder when I was growing up and looking for male role model. So I stopped from a conscious realization that I was indeed already mimicking how my effeminate role model was running with a woman's hip bouncing.  A horror that homosexuality is psychological most often. I was saved by God from this homosexual tendency to which many of our brothers and sisters suffer. They could have been victims of homosexual guardians during their childhood, or could have been conditioned by their unmindful parents to wear and play toys of the opposite sex with applause up to their adult age! And so I do not condemn them as more sinful since the plight that was given them was more burdensome. Porns are out there with men eroticised with their fellow men, which means their sexual organs are working properly erected just with the wrong stimulus in their mind.

The Catholic Church does not condemn effeminacy though, but the danger I point above should be heeded. As a result of which, every sin is denounced while our Lord saves the person. We look down on men with two wives or a womanizer as much as we look down on same sex married people. Sodom and Gomorrah has been created by God on such horrific terms to remind humanity always what kind of sin homosexuality is. If homosexuality is a psychological role modeling, how unfortunate would be humanities future, if we will continue on the destructive path of both male parents rearing male children. A homosexual tendency then is a bit more of a challenge since they can't practice the desire compared to heterosexuals without sinning. Heterosexuals can marry just like me a repentant sexual addict, but my counterpart homosexual brothers and sisters would fall into sin by marrying their same sex. The challenge is to look for healing to straighten up their psychological preference, not to give up the fight, and hope that the future can find them a better solution not to transplant their sexual organs but to finally be attracted to the right person--their opposite sex. Thus they can heed the counsel of St. Paul to marry than burn with passion.

Homosexual addiction then can be coined and thus can subscribe to my blog for healing.

I have relatives and friends who are homosexuals, and I relate to them just like to normal people, a psychological technique we apply to our disabled brethren as well in order not to be pitied. But with temptations to their being that you are to them, some space has to be put in place, similar with an unmarried man to an unmarried woman, an etiquette of modesty should be in place. This is not called discrimination, because I find them more capable than my blind or polio-crippled friend, but I discriminate whom to be attracted with, which they may feel remorse for, since I choose to be attracted and is naturally attracted to beautiful marriageable women. 

St. Augustine, pray for us!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Failed Relationships--A Product of Sexual Addiction?

Is my failed or discontinued or terminated relationship a product or an effect of my former or lingering sexual addiction?

It does not follow. As long as you're repentant and reforming former sexual addicts, who is continuing your healing process, God can and will save you from catastrophic relationships.

Then how do I know. Simply put, if the separation of non-married romantic partners (note that divorce is sinful) is borne out of love, the reasons valid, then such separation is not a product nor an effect of your former sexual addiction.

There are lots of reasons that can end a blooming relationship. Perhaps the male partner lied that he has no alcohol or smoking problem to which the female partner started to love her but found out the truth later on, while he insisted he has no problem and didn't enter an addiction program adamantly. Perhaps feelings for each other have been established already, acquainted with each other, but did not put forth for discussion one's religious preferences which only later opened up, which built up to hostilities with each others convictions. Believe me these partners will lastly surrender their feelings for each other due to reasons of love for the other, for the good of the partner, with all of one's best intention for the other, that only separation can start its fruition. Though goodbyes will formally start the separation, letting your yes be yes and your no a no, no scruples of former sexual addictions should stop these valid goodbye process.

Our Blessed Mother assumed into heaven, pray for us sinners!