Friday, June 30, 2023

They Rebel Instead

 Most of the people in the world are toying with sex nowadays.

And they have not anything we know here about.

Instead of doing the good acts they can easily do here and now, because of the deep dissatisfaction of a romance that has not the sanctifying power of the sacrament of marriage, they rebel instead.

I'm coursing Youtube for still sane and sober songs, those which still has some acceptable quality, a humane touch, if not totally christian. I found dark ones instead, those that has completely controlled reason by emotion just to make such broken heart do its thing. From its lyrics to its dark videos, you will sense that it has totally lost all hope and that there is nothing good left to do after the lost love.

One can completely lose all faith in God, instead of being able to pursue good romance, just because the fruit went sour. So be careful about the ground your trodding. You may tell me it may not happen to you. Please don't. You don't know what you're talking about. And it's as if your partner wouldn't commit such insane acts too just because they're the one who left you.

The commandment of God is not something new, but it's not old. It is applicable at our present modern situation. Read on on my writings.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What to do if there is no romance?

 We've said time and again that romantic loving is only for married couples since they can totally and completely satisfy it. Review details of it in my previous articles. Then what should one do with one's life without romance? "What good can you easily do here and now? Do it."

The dissatisfaction caused by romantic loving cannot be satisfied with anything but married life. And so time and again we advice singles and even those already looking for marriage partner to stay in friendship zone only. The only thing that can satisfy single lives are the ones that are accomplishable by them. And those are the morally good acts that can fulfill a single's life like developing one's career, helping others, pursuing one's passion, continuously learning homemaking, etc. These are what will make a single's life happy, and not romantic loving which only add to one's dissatisfaction. Besides, those are the one's that will fully prepare one to marriage responsibilities. And so, while becoming happy, you also become prepared for marriage. The more you prepare the more earlier you'll be able to enter and fulfill marriage responsibilities, if it is what you need, especially if you need to fulfill the counsel of St. Paul to marry than be aflamed with passion.

Hail Mary, full of grace...

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Out of Sync Romantic Relationship

 Dr. Andrew Huberman is so popular today discussing dopamine depletion. And if you're romantically fantasizing with your absent partner who is not your marriage partner yet, there will be depletion of dopamine, but without total and complete giving of each other. And if you're romantically fantasizing without your partner, there will be depletion of dopamine, there will be no total and complete giving of one's self, and the other partner who should have benefited from such artificial giving hasn't even been informed. The latter produces thus an out of sync romantic relationship. I'm not saying it's better to have mutual stimulation of romantic partners who are away from each other and are not yet married. I am saying that all kinds of romantic loving should be situated appropriately inside marriage. Thus the no romantic loving rule is the name of the game for singles and partially for those who are courting already, a befriending kind of game only, where innocence and trusts fully blooms.

So those who are ready for marriage for example hold hands while walking together in public, creates a bonding time, without any sinfulness. While those who are married partner totally and completely give each other to sexual intercourse. Thus both partner holds dear whatever has happened. To make an in sync romantic relationship, sin should be avoided, while preparing, during, and even after marriage. The Catholic Church has always taught from the very beginning that sexual intercourse outside marriage is a sin. Even married people having extra marital affairs knows that their romantic relationship is out of sync. It's an issue of sin and distrusts that we should not psychologically confuse with difficult terminologies just because we believe that religion is not scientific. Premarital sex is another sin which is somewhat not part of this article to discuss about.