Sunday, March 12, 2023

Romantic Loving For Those All Ready Looking For A Marriage Partner

 Let's just say romantic loving is not a problem for married people because they can express it appropriately, fully, and completely.

Let's just say romantic loving is not for singles not yet prepared for marriage.

But romantic loving seems a balancing act for those prepared already for marriage and already looking for a marriage partner.

We've said before that befriending and not romancing should be the general atmosphere for the latter (let's just call them All Ready).

All Ready just wants to know the girl first before anything (though he showed a picture that he's infatuated with her). But she didn't even accepted his friend request on Facebook. The girl just gives a hint at her wall postings which All Ready assumes is for him (though he knows her suitors might be many). Of course this is how male human beings have to behave as a suitor, showing some affection but not yet fully, bearing the pain of rejection in the end if busted. Of course busted male human beings cry after being rejected by a woman, but in private, after making clear to her that he likes her without any chance of being received positively, after being ganged up by rival suitors, after future planning every night on his next move, future life with her, and all for nothing. Despite this All Ready don't bear any grudges for the woman. What an idiosyncrasy! That is why they have this masculine characteristics of strength! All Ready was caught off-guard. He thought he was just to have a friendly relation. 

So, let's just say that romantic loving for those looking for a marriage partner is a very complex phenomena, and not just a balancing act whether to stop romancing or continue, to show some or just befriend. So those looking for a wife, I say, be prepared fellow male human beings!

Now those who are single former sexual addicts should review the no-romantic-loving rule, and those who are familiar with it, and are now prepared for marriage this is what I have to say:

Romantic loving for those All Ready looking for a marriage partner is more of a skill and an art that cannot be boxed into a simple two choices do or don't.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The No-Romantic-Life Rule Revisited

I am having the times of my life, until I accidentally saw her on Facebook. I have been pruning my previous unrequited attraction for 5 years. Pity me! And then here I go again. I was too crazy for wanting to marry her already even we don't know yet each other. And even my financial preparation and other projects are to give way to this untimely attractions. So be it, hah! (I am still though reflecting on whether my financial preparation for marriage is already out of context and rather ruining the counsel of St. Paul to marry rather than burn with passion.) I am just crying every night, and wonder if my pillow is still dry. So on and so forth.

I've laid off my unpublished book on purpose to get a better perspective. (It is free to download and is in four downloadable parts.) I found out, it seems, that the no-romantic-life rule for singles who are ready for marriage is too rigorous. Read number 7. Asking God for a girlfriend but in purity of friendship and not much of romances. for a short description of the no-romantic-life rule.

Of course someone who is already prepared for marriage will look for someone he/she is attracted to. Just the word "attracted to" is laden with heavy emotions. And we remind men to choose according to nobility of character and not just according to attractions since it's easy to loose their mind.

More so, who can loose their minds, are former sexual addicts who are already prepared for marriage and looking for marriage partners.

But we don't mean to denigrate choosing according to attraction, which is what seems to be the main tone of my writings. It is not. God most surely made ladies very beautiful in the eyes of men. I am  just reminding my target audience, who are sexual addicts, to be wary of romance and not make it get the best out of  them, which I already have carefully discussed in my unpublished book in details.

The no-romantic-life rule for a single in general is therefore appropriate and not rigorous.

However it does not apply to married individuals and those looking for marriage partner.

A reservation then for those looking for marriage partner should be clarified since they are still single and cannot and should not make romance lead to its final expression which is sexual intercourse/communion.

Do you get now how difficult it is for single former sexual addicts to separate romance from its final culmination in sexual intercourse?

That is why the no-romantic-life rule sounds very rigorous, but it's not.

Go download again my four part unpublished book for free and remind yourself about the details of the no-romantic-life rule especially if you are a sexual addict or former who are already looking for your marriage partner.

Go ask ChatGpt what factor best influences success in having a marriage partner. And you will get answers in the line of shared values and interests, open and honest communication, proximity and availability, personal qualities, and compatibity in life goals, which seems very far from romance which is the main focus of sexual addicts. 

While inflation is eating your hard earned money which isn't even yet enough for a marriage, frustration with your preparation for marriage is a very lethal chemical when combined with desiring for romance or your need to have a marriage partner. It can create a nuclear bomb that shatter one's life. That is why I proposed the no-romantic-life rule for singles, and counsels former repentant sexual addicts to trust God's plan for their marriage and wait super patiently.

I pray that God gives you strength in your struggles with unrequited attraction and love. I pray that God may have mercy and bless you already with a wife/husband, in Jesus name.

St. Raphael, patron of healing and happy meeting of singles, pray for us.

How do you handle unrequited love?

Do you believe Chicago's phrase song that "...even lovers need a holiday, far away, from each other..." which has some connections with our no-romantic-life rule?

Share your comments below.