Watching movies is my alternative to sexual addiction.
I wonder if I can reverse engineer my capacity for sexual addiction into something good. The Blessed Virgin Mary's question is the gold standard of course as to what can be done here and now to counteract a build up of sexual addiction or even its prevention. Without it any kind of alternative or reverse engineering wouldn't work. We have to situate the alternative of watching of movies into the general moral life of the repentant sexual addict. No person can watch movies for, say, 8 hours everyday just to avoid relapsing into sexual addiction again. If I feel some recurrences of my sexual addiction and watching movies aren't appropriate at the moment, the Blessed Virgin Mary's question should be fulfilled.
That being said let's decipher further the alternative of, say, watching movies. I find myself watching porn before bedtime or at night. So I rather made the habit of thinking what movies do I like to watch or re-watch or review. So that night time comes, I am eager to use my spare time if there is more left for searching and watching online the movies I have in mind.
I find myself prone to giving in to temptations during siesta hours. With such short preparation time before a nap, a movie watch isn't really appropriate. However, I found some brain puzzles on Google Play Store quiet amusing that I really enjoy solving. Such a short time to solve the puzzle entertains me and prepares me better to take a nap.
It's not always recreation time or break time though. If my duty calls me to work and when unproductive time knocks on the door of temptations to impure thoughts, the Blessed Virgin Mary's question has to be fulfilled. Be it visiting your coworkers to see if they're ok, or doing extra work even our job doesn't require it, would be an easier alternative than entertaining that impure thoughts.
But why specially watching movies? The idea of reverse engineering has a lot of insights into it from the movies resolution to the anticipation-imagination of the high def Holywood scenes that replaces impure thingking and acting it out to orgasm. Though anything that you enjoy doing, be it a hobby or outdoor hiking, as long as it effectively catches your entire attention and participation, will be a welcome blessing than any immoral sexual pleasures.
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!
This article was made as a continuation of the article A Second Look at Gradual Modification