Thursday, February 28, 2019

Trial and Judgement of Sexual Addictions of Our Good Shepherds

Homosexual or heterosexual addiction, has no difference. Heterosexual abuse of minors, womanizing, etc., would have to be differentiated though from heterosexual attempt to establish faithful good marriage within chaste celibacy though both sinful, but is outside the scope of our present article.

Two factors exists in such trial and judgement. One is the sentence of God, the other is of man. Whether or not a repentant sexual addict is incarcerated, his chastity works should not stop until death. But guilt has to be established by human court, and justice be served. God's judgement though is different, and is based on our continuing faithfulness to our chastity works. Don't think that jail time can appease God's wrath for the innocence lost by this little ones because of the sexual offense. "It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin." (Luke 17:2). But I've put the word repentant sexual addicts, to call on God's mercy rather.

Evading justice is an offender's work, sorry to say that. It could have been avoided from the beginning. We've carried Evagrius' advice, and that sexual addicts don't belong to the call of chaste celibacy, but rather to St. Paul's advice to marry than burn in hell. (This article has not the scope of discussing psychological theory to manipulate and normalize homosexual tendency to focus on opposite sex, on homosexual men's capacity to have an erection which is a promising capacity for vaginal penetration and orgasm, and then be subjugated to the fulfilling union of marriage.) To live a homosexual life as a laity has lesser offense, but to live as a laity healing one's sexual addiction is better.

Establishing one's guilt by oneself rather than by one's neighbor or by God

It's important to know every temptation assaults whether you entertained them slightly (venial sin), or thoroughly (mortal sin), or not at all (innocent). Make sure to always start today as always the day of conversion, no more to go back to your filthy ways no matter how unbelievable such act is for you at this very moment since with God all things are possible. Ask forgiveness if you sinned, repent, make amends, and start again your day of conversion. Then you can be at peace after the temptation subsides. When temptation returns back, rename the desire and behavior as abnormal, relax and rechannel one's mind to good things and name it as the normal behavior or even virtuous one, then life goes on. After the struggle, say to yourself my conscience is clean and it isn't bothering me. Thanks be to God! "How blessed are those to whom Yahweh imputes no guilt, whose spirit harbours no deceit." (Psalm 32:2) This is the height of our freedom from the chains of sexual addiction, and we can rejoice.

Pope Francis Outlines 8-Point Plan for ‘All-Out Battle’ Against Sexual Abuse

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners!
St. Paul, St. Augustine, pray for us. 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Mental Disorder or Not, SA Leads To Brain Abnormalcy

If WHO classifies compulsive sexual behavior as a mental health disorder, APA doesn't yet, according to this article.

On our part, whether or not it is a mental health disorder, it can lead to brain abnormalcy, our mind becoming dependent on the substance/activity being abused, and our brain beginning to rely on that substance/activity to produce certain chemicals most often connected with the reward system. see  see also the link between Alcohol abuse and Porn addiction
Recent research has shown that non-drug addictions such as gambling, binge-eating, and sexual activities affect brain function in ways similar to alcohol and drug addiction.
All of it causing havoc on our capacity to decide and manage working memory.

Consider bodybuilding rewarding us with good looking physique if not health benefits too. Consider just checking and trying to lift that heavier weights once per week only, and then twice, and then finally 8 times rep on two sets after a year or two.

Consider in reverse then to positively imagine your twice relapse to sexual addiction per week becomes once a week, and then once a year only when you got drunk and you had a fight with your wife. The strength and muscle built we will see in such chastity capacity building is our astute or razor-sharp capacity to executively decide and achieve things we never had again after becoming a sexual addict. Start then the habit and practice answering Our Blessed Mother's question, "What good can you easily do here and now?" Then do it.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners! 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Did Marriage Really Cured Their Sexual Addiction?

As I've said before, the number one cure for sexual addiction is marriage, a divinely inspired cure from St. Paul.

I Thought Marriage Would Cure My Addiction {He Said} This article is telling that her wife had pain in the first year of marriage that "The lack of sex in our marriage left me vulnerable to find fulfillment elsewhere: pornography." It was the lack of satisfying sexual union that made the marriage ineffective. And it happened in the first year of marriage which is crucial.

No, Marriage is Not the Cure for Lust This article tells to practice resisting lust before marriage which is somewhat similar to my stand. But I have the same counter argument to reinterpret St. Paul's stand as correct, not because it is a Word of God, in the Bible, or anything we can believe blindly, but because it is true. The author has the double problem of sexual addiction and drug addiction. Drug addiction is worse than self-injected delusion that I was talking about. Marriage is not the answer though to drug addiction. But the twin headed addiction must first be beheaded to one only before marriage can be of help.

Then again my reminder that marriage will not cure you if you will not practice our recommendations here. Why is marriage the somewhat unconfirmed solution of atheist to their sexual addiction? Well, is there something else in common with the theist? Perhaps they don't care to report it.

Then here I am. Still being sustained by God in single blessedness, if not for this work He seems to be wanting me to still continue as an unmarried person. I am telling you to marry to cure your sexual addiction. How? Outside marriage you will find managing sexual addiction very difficult if not impossible without God's mercy and compassion. Period. You want to tread the road less traveled like I did? I tell you don't. But if you're not really addicted to sex, and you're gifted by God with the capacity for celibate loving, then go. Then why am I not living my own counsel to already marry. I tell you I have stormed heaven with my prayers for so long and so intense why God isn't still giving me a wife that the only reason God hints me with is that this chastity work I am doing is according to His will or so I think only. But this is my vocation: to tell you that managing sexual addiction outside marriage is very difficult. It is not your calling. God made me to tell you to already prepare for marriage as you do our chastity works here because there is nothing but marriage which is the number one cure for sexual addiction. Other natural techniques pales in comparison.

The two authors above are correct though that it is God who will cure us really, be it before, during, or after marriage.

So what is the point of my ranting? It is that our first interpretation of St. Paul is correct. And no you don't experiment like I did in searching for answers to sexual addiction outside marriage. What you may get is that you will loose your time and youth without finances for marriage, you don't know how to cook for your wife and children, that is why I am saying again PREPARE FOR MARRIAGE, and then marry. Hear me or suffer the consequences, choose then your path. I have delivered my message clearly.