"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it;" Gen 1:28
God doesn't want it to mean license to just give in to our sexual appetite without reason. And so those doing it outside the sacrament of marriage for example is sinning and not doing God's will. The reason psychology is amassing as proof that children needs a stable family with a father and a mother is a welcome testament to God's commandments. Fornication, same sex marriage, contraception, are amassing evidences of its irrationalities we are just beginning to understand. Remember that we are finite in our understanding. The things we thought before as correct about abortion for example must be set aside as a new day dawns.
Let's focus on contraception as seemingly contrast to the Bible passage above. We are always talking here about our sexual addiction may I remind. Let the lawmakers do their work.
I am still single until now. So what? I am a sexual addict who can remain with a measure of chastity, and still can remain single not giving in to mere sexual passion to already marry. I have my reasons for remaining single still. Is the world around me marrying just for the sake of their sexual appetite? Are they carrying on God's Word above righteously? Not everybody. Not the irresponsible fathers or mothers. Not the unwed mothers. For God had his will already clarified in the Catholic Church about marriage.
The situation is complex. Not all sins are one's fault. A single mom have to carry out the responsibility of say teenage adventure without having to kill her baby. The challenge is to be perfect. How did couples faithfully carried on their relationship in such an imperfect world. The fact is, it can be done. God's standard had been set, if we can do it, why the hell should we disobey it. Because everybody is doing it? Nope, there are still faithful Christians out there, a shining star in the night. God's grace is not lacking. I can say I could have been the worse sexual addict in the world, but comes the grace of God, my story I am sharing here, and I was not. I EVEN CAN STILL REMAIN SINGLE AS LONG AS I HAVE THE REASON TO STAY SINGLE. Where on earth did I found the strength to do that? Not from me who've been afflicted with SA since a child. I think the grace to be able to do it came from God, which I am sharing in this blog. GOD'S GRACE IS NOT LACKING. We can do it because his grace is mightily present in our midst.
I have my reason to still stay single say to bring forth spiritual gifts to others. Did I contracepted? Did I told my girlfriend to abort our baby because I'm not yet expecting it? Am I using the services of prostitute? I did not. I've been graced. Such sins are against the above Bible passage. I will be fruitful and I will multiply. And yet I'm not doing it irrationally, I'm doing it according to God's will. One day my children will be doctors to care for the sick. I will raise priest and religious children to praise God. I will support a child to become an engineer scientist to solve modern day problems. And I will do it according to reason enlightened by my Catholic faith.
God doesn't want it to mean license to just give in to our sexual appetite without reason. And so those doing it outside the sacrament of marriage for example is sinning and not doing God's will. The reason psychology is amassing as proof that children needs a stable family with a father and a mother is a welcome testament to God's commandments. Fornication, same sex marriage, contraception, are amassing evidences of its irrationalities we are just beginning to understand. Remember that we are finite in our understanding. The things we thought before as correct about abortion for example must be set aside as a new day dawns.
Let's focus on contraception as seemingly contrast to the Bible passage above. We are always talking here about our sexual addiction may I remind. Let the lawmakers do their work.
I am still single until now. So what? I am a sexual addict who can remain with a measure of chastity, and still can remain single not giving in to mere sexual passion to already marry. I have my reasons for remaining single still. Is the world around me marrying just for the sake of their sexual appetite? Are they carrying on God's Word above righteously? Not everybody. Not the irresponsible fathers or mothers. Not the unwed mothers. For God had his will already clarified in the Catholic Church about marriage.
The situation is complex. Not all sins are one's fault. A single mom have to carry out the responsibility of say teenage adventure without having to kill her baby. The challenge is to be perfect. How did couples faithfully carried on their relationship in such an imperfect world. The fact is, it can be done. God's standard had been set, if we can do it, why the hell should we disobey it. Because everybody is doing it? Nope, there are still faithful Christians out there, a shining star in the night. God's grace is not lacking. I can say I could have been the worse sexual addict in the world, but comes the grace of God, my story I am sharing here, and I was not. I EVEN CAN STILL REMAIN SINGLE AS LONG AS I HAVE THE REASON TO STAY SINGLE. Where on earth did I found the strength to do that? Not from me who've been afflicted with SA since a child. I think the grace to be able to do it came from God, which I am sharing in this blog. GOD'S GRACE IS NOT LACKING. We can do it because his grace is mightily present in our midst.
I have my reason to still stay single say to bring forth spiritual gifts to others. Did I contracepted? Did I told my girlfriend to abort our baby because I'm not yet expecting it? Am I using the services of prostitute? I did not. I've been graced. Such sins are against the above Bible passage. I will be fruitful and I will multiply. And yet I'm not doing it irrationally, I'm doing it according to God's will. One day my children will be doctors to care for the sick. I will raise priest and religious children to praise God. I will support a child to become an engineer scientist to solve modern day problems. And I will do it according to reason enlightened by my Catholic faith.